Daria Wilkinson
About me
My name is Daria Wilkinson, and I am a Polish language teacher with many years of experience. I am a pedagogue by education. I studied at the Gdańsk University. After my studies, I moved to England, where since 2011, I have been gaining my pedagogical experience by collaborating with Polish supplementary schools and building my teacher workshop. Over these years, I’ve learned that being a Polish language teacher is not just a profession but also continuous self-improvement, acquiring knowledge and new skills, passion, and commitment combined with openness to the student – their needs, dreams, and plans. A teacher is not just a profession; it’s a mission of being a guide to Polishness.
My role as the founder and initiator of the Polish School in Ravenscourt Park is based on many years of experience. I believe that lessons are not only about passing knowledge and caring for students’ development but also about shaping the right attitudes, “infecting” with the love for Poland, awakening continuous curiosity towards what Polish culture, history, and art are and how they change. Building bonds and a sense of belonging to the community of Poles connected by a common language and tradition.
The Polish School in Ravenscourt Park is a development and result of my actions for the young children with Polish roots. I believe that lessons in the Polish School – maybe in the near or distant future they will constitute the main reason for visiting Poland, getting to know it closer, passing the native language to the next generations. While building a sense of closeness with the country where relatives, grandparents live; where parents were born. Classes should be based on awakening curiosity – then children themselves will want to discover more and more. Hence, in the school, academies, theatrical performances, carolling meetings, trips to national memorial sites, inspiring meetings with witnesses of history, traditional celebrations, and observances of national Polish holidays are planned.
By being in the Polish school, children learn that being Polish beyond the country’s borders is something they should be proud of. Knowing who they are and where they come from, they build a sense of their own identity and security. And their definite guide remains the Polish School in Ravenscourt Park.

Since 2022, I have been the editor-in-chief of the magazine for children “Dziatwa”, the longest-published magazine for Polish children in Great Britain, published by the Polish Educational Society. Since 1946, it’s been a favourite magazine of generations of Poles, and it’s a source of pride that this magazine continues to encourage reading, thinking, entertaining, and educating successive generations of young Poles abroad. Did you know that the history of this magazine is associated with General Anders?
Currently, I work in the editorial office of “Tydzień Polski” and volunteer to support the activities of the Polish Educational Society as a trustee.
I dedicate my free time to those I love most in the world:
my children and husband, planning both short and long trips. But in our travel plans, there’s always room for beloved Kashubia in north Poland, where I come from. I believe it’s important to show children places especially close to their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.