About School

Welcome to the Polish Saturday School in Ravenscourt Park!

Our school is a magical place where we discover and nurture Polish identity, culture, and language. Together, we forge strong bonds with our heritage, draw inspiration from the wealth of history, and collectively conquer the summits of knowledge! Join our patriotic community and be part of a unique adventure in uncovering our Polish identity!
What makes us stand out

We are a Polish supplementary school with a modern approach to tradition.

Polish School in Ravenscourt Park - where tradition meets modernity. We educate young Polish minds, combining lessons on the history and culture of our homeland with innovative methods and technology.
Club for volunteers

The Magic of the Polish Heart

“The Magic of the Polish Heart" is a volunteer initiative at our Polish Saturday school to teach children the values of volunteering, empathy, and helping others. This magical initiative stems from the belief that small gestures and the good we do for others can change the world.

We combine learning the Polish language with exploring the history and traditions of our homeland.

Through engaging activities, we develop children's ability to speak and write in Polish and build their Polish identity and attachment to their ancestors' culture.
Developing reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Polish. Communication exercises, vocabulary enrichment.
Learning about the most important historical events, figures, legends, symbols, costumes, dances, and proverbs. Building Polish identity.
Developing interests and artistic abilities through engaging, interactive, innovative workshops in visual arts, theatre, music, and dance.
Active participation in Polish traditions and holiday celebrations through decorating Easter eggs, baking gingerbread, etc.

News about our Education